Before we begin, let’s give some background on narcissism. Narcissism is a personality disorder which can range from irritating to downright harmful to those around them. It is in childhood that narcissism sprouts. A child that is extremely adored by his or her family can grow up to be narcissistic, as they expect everyone around them to praise everything they do. So if someone does not praise the narcissist, he or she may throw a fit and verbally or physically abuse the other person until they …show more content…
But don't let their timidness fool you, these individuals are no less dangerous or painful to become involved with. They pretend to be kind when in reality, are quite the opposite. Covert narcissists are like leeches when in a relationship, draining their partner of money, resources or energy so the covert narcissistic can gain power, money or whatever they want. These narcissists lack the confidence to present a bold, false self to the world and will usually retreat into their own inner world to live out his or her own pathological visions. Covert narcissists have deep feelings of shame and unworthiness and are often anxious and pessimistic. Like the overt narcissist, coverts can explode out of anger, but it takes more provocation to do so. They will also project his or her wounded inner self onto other by manipulating, lying, or doing whatever they can to hurt those closest to him or her- similar to the overt