
Difference Between Suffragists And Suffragettes

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Difference Between Suffragists And Suffragettes
The right to vote was introduced to Britain by the Whigs, a political organisation now known as the Liberal Party. It was first granted to a small number of the male middle class, but the Parliamentary Reform Acts of 1867 and 1884 extended the necessary requirements. These acts allowed men who owned properties or earnt a certain income to also vote. During the Edwardian era, many British citizens, along with Emmeline Pankhurst, fought to change the basic criteria needed to vote, so that it included women too. The movement to gain votes for women had two wings, the Suffragists and the Suffragettes. The Suffragists, led by Millicent Fawcett, had their origins in the mid nineteenth century, while the Suffragettes, whose colloquial name was given

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