Professional Learning Communities are collaborative teams whose teachers work interdependently to achieve common goals linked to the purpose of learning. The steps that I would you use to implement, manage, and support the development of a professional learning community at my school is to first determine and define the objective or goal. Next, with the team of teachers, identify learning targets for the students and establish standards based formative assessments. Then, the assessment results would be analyzed because it would give feedback about any successes or failures. It would also notify the team if any interventions are needed to be implemented. Finally, I would provide time for collaborative meetings so that everyone feels heard and supported.
From experience, the important principles that teacher leaders should posses are being open-minded and respectful of other teachers’ views. Such ideology makes a particular individual better suited for teacher leadership. Teacher leaders should also have optimism and enthusiasm, confidence and decisiveness. They should also be able to persevere because there are plenty of challenges that can happen on their jouney to meeting the goal. Finally, teacher leaders should be flexible and willing to try different approaches because there might be a better solution to the problem.
A possible challenge that could be faced during the process would be resistance from some teachers. It is normal that some teachers do not like changes in schools. They can be stressed and not feel comfortable about any implementation. Thus, it is important to notice and utilize each of their personal characteristic and expertise. To address such challenges and achieve the desired result, there should always be an open collaboration and a supportive and shared relationship between the school leaders and the teachers. This would make the school culture encouraging and nurturing overall.