
Discipline Or Entitlement?

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Discipline Or Entitlement?
Discipline or Entitlement Entitlement; the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment: narcissist. Do you feel that the world owes you something just for being alive? Should everyone bow to your wants and desires because your parents taught you that you are the center of the universe? Did you receive a participation trophy in baseball for sitting on the bench? Generation Y has grown up to believe just that, they are entitled to whatever they want just because they are who they are. It is a serious problem facing our society today. So many of our young adults feel this way and it is taking a toll on the world we live in.
Some parents are reluctant to discipline their children because they want to avoid conflict
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More and more often our children are feeling entitled and their attitude grows arrogant. Entitlement has becoming a serious problem in our society amongst our young people. A self-indulgent, self-centered attitude that has made its way into almost every household, school, business and, worst of all, the government. Richard and Linda Eyre, parents and authors of the book, The Entitlement Trap, “Entitlement refers to the growing trend in children {and adults} to think that they can have, should have, and deserve to have whatever they want, whatever their friends have – and that they should have it now and not have to earn it or give up anything for it.” (2011) There was a time that people believed they were entitled only to like the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, also called “unalienable rights,”. Entitlement, or sense that we have the right to have something, can be a healthy expectation. It is normal in a child’s psychological development to think that he or she is the center of the world. Called healthy narcissism or egocentrism, it is part of how a child views the world in the preoperational stage of cognitive and emotional …show more content…
Without discipline, children will be wanting in the life skills adults know to be important. They lack self-control, no respect their parents or other authority figures, unwilling or ignorant of the appropriate behavior in given situations. They are lacking in social skills that are important for making friends such as empathy, patience, and knowing how to share. And they will be more likely to engage in behavior that can be harmful and possibly dangerous for themselves as well as others. They will be unhappy and angry at the rest of the

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