Isabelle Alston
BUS: 670 Legal Environment
Discrimination in the Workplace
I. Introduction
Seaquist (2012) clearly states in the text ‘Business Law for Managers’ that nothing in the Constitution explicitly mentions discrimination, but it contains provisions that have been interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court to grant rights that have to do with equal treatment under the law (Seaquist, 2012). According to Seaquist (2012) Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was enacted to remedy segregation and to outlaw discrimination of the underrepresented monitories in this country (Seaquist, 2012). Regardless to the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, discrimination still runs rapid in today’s society. While discrimination may not as it was in the late 1950s and 1960s with its bold and ugly face, it still exists today in a more subtle unnoticeable manner. How can discrimination still exist in a country that is so rich in culture, when this country has supposedly worked hard to rid all types of discrimination? No one can really answer this question without stepping on others beliefs and values. Yet, as an African American born in America, raised in the South, educated in the South and across the internet this author contents that discrimination in the work exist more today in more subtle ways than ever before. This author argues that discrimination still exist in society today, especially in the workplace and especially by those in higher positions. Due to the feelings of this author regarding discrimination is the reason for this paper, and is the reason why this paper will discuss the types of discrimination, the history of discrimination, the theories of discrimination, the legal, and the ethical responsibility of discrimination.
II. Defining Discrimination
From US Legal, Inc (2013) the definition of discrimination is nothing more than making a distinction for or against a person or thing based on group, class, or category to
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