
Discussing The Purpose Of Serious Case Reviews (SCR)

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Discussing The Purpose Of Serious Case Reviews (SCR)
As I am a teaching assistant in a school therefore I know that according to the LCB Regulations 2006, Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) will be required in situation where a child has died due to known or suspected abuse or neglect. In some situations, reviews may also be carried out where a child has been seriously harmed or has suffered life threatening injuries.
This thing is usually practised by my self when in playground sometimes children have minor injuries and reviews/notes are done to inform parents about it and also in school record this thing is kept safe
. The purpose of an SCR is for agencies to discuss the case together and to know the lessons which are to be learned about the way in which professionals have worked and can work together
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Information held by Scottish public authorities is covered by Scotland’s own Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.)It is taken from google search
• The Data Protection Act says that:
• Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless –under certain conditions.
• This is the first data protection principle. In practice, it means that you must:
• have legitimate grounds for collecting and using the personal data;
• not use the data in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on the individuals concerned;
• be transparent about how you intend to use the data, and give individuals appropriate privacy notices when collecting their personal data;
• handle people’s personal data only in ways they would reasonably expect; and
• make sure you do not do anything unlawful with the data.
• All informations about freedom of information act and data protection act are taken from ……

Question 2(a)
Understand the importance of working in partnership with other organisations to safeguard children and young people?
To show your understanding of this, supply the following:

An explanation
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Those who work with children, have a responsibility to safeguard children and young people from harm. As professionals, we have a duty to ensure that children and young people are protected while they are in our care and that where we have other concerns outside school, that these are investigated fully. School policies and procedures need to be such that parents and governors are aware and that staff are fully trained with regard to safeguarding. Schools will need to consider and include in their policies:
• Children’s physical safety and security on the premises and off site visits.
• Children’s safety when in the home environment.
• E-safety and security when using the internet.
• Staff awareness and

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