Visual learning is when someone can visualize something as they read a passage. They are spatial and linguistic learners, finding relation within things. Visual-spatial learners tend to do well with charts, demonstrations and graphs. While Visual-linguistic learners do well with reading and writing. Visual learners are also good at remembering faces but may have a hard time recalling names. Visual learners are more inclined to remember what they have read if there were images or if it was easy to visualize what was read. Visual learners may learn new things by looking at images or graphs, to help remember information. Agendas, outlines, and handouts can be helpful for visual learners in the classroom. Online classroom is great for those whom are visual learners.
Learning styles at times can be used together, more often than not. When a demonstration is shown it includes both visual and auditory learning styles. A demonstration uses the visual style, by allowing something to be seen like the placing of icing on a cupcake. While placing icing on a cupcake the demonstrator will describe how to do so, allowing an auditory learner to learn. So both a visual and auditory learner can benefit from demonstrations. Now to group discussions and how both visual and auditory learners can use group discussions to help in there learning processes. Group discussions