I was put in a kindergarten class at seven years old, by the time fourth grade came around I qualified to enter a normal fourth-grade class but chose to stay with my bilingual friends because I felt alienated in the normal classes. That year my class wrote to Obama, it was his first year in office, we all wrote our own letters and then the principal sent them to the White House, I remember very vividly asking him if he could help my family become legal and why I was considered so different from everyone else, he responded with a generic letter to the whole class. I believe my decision as a nine-year-old to write to the President of the U.S. regarding my citizenship status was something special, at that time I was afraid of anyone finding out I was illegal, I thought if anyone knew then I would be deported, it was a brave act and I think that it goes to show that I've been thinking about the bigger picture for a quite a while, I've always felt more mature than my
I was put in a kindergarten class at seven years old, by the time fourth grade came around I qualified to enter a normal fourth-grade class but chose to stay with my bilingual friends because I felt alienated in the normal classes. That year my class wrote to Obama, it was his first year in office, we all wrote our own letters and then the principal sent them to the White House, I remember very vividly asking him if he could help my family become legal and why I was considered so different from everyone else, he responded with a generic letter to the whole class. I believe my decision as a nine-year-old to write to the President of the U.S. regarding my citizenship status was something special, at that time I was afraid of anyone finding out I was illegal, I thought if anyone knew then I would be deported, it was a brave act and I think that it goes to show that I've been thinking about the bigger picture for a quite a while, I've always felt more mature than my