I previously mentioned that I’ve attended Waconia most of my life.
Before I went to school in Waconia, I went to school in Chaska, the city next to Waconia. Even though the two cities were right next to each other, it was still a significant move to me because I had to make all new friends. After only the first couple weeks, I found myself with buddies from a bunch of contrasting groups. It was really an eye opening experience to make a new group of friends from a completely different place than where I was before, because I showed myself that I can feel comfortable in almost any environment. One thing I can contribute to this community is my great open-mindedness. I think I am specifically skilled at working with others, and have a good understanding of what it is like to be different than those who surround me. The experiences I have went through also help me be very understanding and even compassionate to those who are diverse compared to myself or others. With all of these different types of diversity, I think I have learned how to collaborate and adjust to people who are different than
me. Throughout my entire life, whether it’s in the classroom, or at extra curricular activities, I have never had any trouble finding new friends no matter what the situation may be.