Research Design
Data Collection Data collection for this study consisted of a thorough search of relevant literature, looking for connections that could be made between studies so that the hypotheses could be examined. Data collection took place through relevant databases for …show more content…
According to Ahonen, Tienari, Merilainen, and Pullen (2014) the concept of the way in which traces of knowledge are chosen by researchers on the topic of diversity have an effect on the way in which diversity is perceived. Through refining the concepts of context and power in relationship to diversity, the authors look at how mainstream scholars on critical diversity issues tend to politicize and homogenize certain concepts to skew them towards specific outcomes. Approaching diversity from a perspective of equality provides an opportunity to support the concept of diversity on a whole new dimension. In other words, a diversity is not necessarily about inclusion in terms of bringing someone who is outside in, but in creating a circle that never leaves them outside from the