We may have no rights even with the fifteenth amendment, basically whatever happens with are properties no one really cares. Even with so little right we have that should never let us put down, and make that are strength to succeed. Poor people have no right to vote but yet white people with no education and not wise could vote just because of the color and our race. We as a strong african american group that could show others that we are smart and we have knowledge to get an education and even vote. We are much more than people think, it's our job to work where we are from right too the very top and never give up. Show other color people that we could make a difference in this world and change for a better
We may have no rights even with the fifteenth amendment, basically whatever happens with are properties no one really cares. Even with so little right we have that should never let us put down, and make that are strength to succeed. Poor people have no right to vote but yet white people with no education and not wise could vote just because of the color and our race. We as a strong african american group that could show others that we are smart and we have knowledge to get an education and even vote. We are much more than people think, it's our job to work where we are from right too the very top and never give up. Show other color people that we could make a difference in this world and change for a better