Section A
1. Yes, affirmative action is morally defensible in a sense that; South Africa has been characterized by many years of workplace inequalities and imbalances of the past, particularly blacks who were treated in an inhuman manner. The new democratic government introduced and legislate the affirmative action to eliminate all forms of discrimination. Since blacks were given certain jobs and skills were reserved for white minority in some sectors of the economy, thereby robbing our economy of its potential and productivity. The introduction of the affirmative action policy uncovered skills and talent. The old government created division between black and white communities. The introduction of affirmative action policy assisted in closing that gap and improves the conditions at the workplace. Therefore the policy allowed companies and government to utilize all people to the maximum potential and created improved communication between organized labor and management.
2. The country which successfully implemented the policy of affirmative action is South Africa. The new government realized that introduction of this policy can be very useful tool to help create diversity in the workplace. The policy succeed because companies and government saw the need to select and hire people not on the basis of race but on the actual qualifications that make a person suitable for the position in the company. Since the introduction of this policy many black people are hired on the positions that were only occupied by white people before. The government also introduces the gender equality which is one of the tools which makes affirmative action policy to be successful. Since the introduction of this policy the department of labor has made sure that there is no discrimination on selecting and hiring people.
3. The South African government choose to implement this policy and act because, they were only various group of