Student Name: Ahmed Gaber.
ID: A00091464
Q1: What types of change have taken place in CLP Power?
- The organizational structure was streamlined to have fewer layers of staff ، existing channels of communication were reviewed to allow faster decision making.
- Partnership Charter was signed between employees of different departments to foster stronger teamwork.
-A New smart culture of “doing smarter” and “doing more with less” was cascaded down to all employees so that there was continuous improvement and less waste.
Q2: what external and internal forces could create the need for the company to change ?
1- External forces like:
- Marketplace
- Governmental laws and regulations (A potential review of the regulatory regime ، Increasing environmental concerns and tariff pressure from the public)
- Technology
- Labor market
- Economic changes
2- Internal forces like:
- Changes in organizational strategy. (Need to boost key business indicators such as competitiveness and cost-efficiency)
- Workforce changes
- New equipment
- Employee attitudes
Q3: Use Lewin’s change model to illustrate the phases of change.
Unfreezing the status quo → changing to a new state → refreezing to make permanent change.
First, the company was at the freezing state where they’re comfort and calm. Then they unfreeze their status quo to adopt the new changes coming. Lastly, after that they back to refreezing again to make changes permanent until another change is needed.
Q4: Why people resist change? How CLP cope with it?
People resist change because;
1- Change replaces the known with uncertainty.
2- The comfort of old habits (Comfort zone).
3- A fear of personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal convenience which puts the person under stress.
4- The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organization.
CLP POWER copes with it by;