
Does Bethmann-Hollweg's Assassination Cause Ww1

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Does Bethmann-Hollweg's Assassination Cause Ww1
On June 28th, during 1914, a young Serbian named Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This assassination was the major cause and spark of World War One. Unrestricted submarine warfare was first introduced in World War I in early 1914, when Germany declared the area around the British Isles a war zone, in which all merchant ships, including those from neutral countries, would be attacked by the German navy. World War I was an intense war that lasted from 1914-1918. Germany was sinking the US ships and the United States did not agree with it. As a result, the US entered the war. By the end of the war, the Allies had defeated Germany and its allies.

The main conflict of World War One was that the US ships are being sunk by
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Therefore, Bethmann-Hollweg persuaded senior naval officers to exclude neutral ships from the order – especially ships from America. On February 22nd, 1915, the U-boat commerce war started. In March 1915, 5,000 ships entered and left British ports. Only 21 were attacked. As a result of this, neutral shipping that had been put off by the declaration, soon resumed trading once again believing that they were all but safe from attack.’’( )COMPROMISE STARTS On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I. Under the command of Major General John J. Pershing, more than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought on battlefields in France. Many Americans were not in favor of the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain neutral. However, the U.S. eventually did enter the war. RESULTS The US was already well on the way to becoming an imperial power by the time of the First World War, with regular interventions in Central America and a colony in the Philippines after a so-called 'liberation war' which swiftly became a war against the natives (sounds familiar, does it?). But the US was not a European power and it's …show more content…
And because of the fact that economic advancement requires access to energy, along with the British and French, the Americans also began shoving their oar into the newly 'liberated' territories of the world. Because of its ideological antipathy to Bolshevism, which itself was a child of the First World War, the US was led after the Second World War into forming Nato and right up to today it thinks of Russia as an adversary which must be contained if it cannot be crushed. Without the First World War there would have been no US superpower today and the world would not seethe with anti-US sentiment. Defeated militarily but not destroyed, ruined economically by the punitive Versailles Treaty, the Germans descended into turmoil. There were masses of disaffected, unemployed former soldiers wandering the streets, prime material for fascist gangs such as the Sturmabteilung which Hitler used to launch an abortive coup in Munich and which ultimately helped him

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