Peaceful resistance to laws does not negatively impact a free society. If one wishes to peacefully protest then it should be allowed. However, the resistors should realize that there could be negative effects and consequences because of their actions. Especially, if laws are broken or the protest becomes violent. It is important in society today for teens and young adults to realize that negative actions usually always have negative consequences. We live in a society where parents today have not held their children accountable for their actions. Kids today think that parents will get them out of any negative situation they encounter even if they are at fault. Many times students who graduate do not realize the impact of what one poor decision could mean. One poor decision could result in jail or prison time which in turn could affect the rest of their lives. My parents have always made me understand the importance of being held accountable for my actions. They made sure I was aware that most actions cause a reaction and at times the reaction can be negative. I have always understood that it is okay for me to peacefully argue my own opinion but not everyone will agree with my views. I think this is what makes America great. …show more content…
Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and can share their opinions freely. Yet, once a person’s opinion is shared they must be prepared for the opinions of others to be shared also. Many of these opinions may not mirror the opinion that you shared. A society that is free must limit the chaos that it allows with the use of peaceful resistance. Many times young adults feel that do not have to follow rules and laws. Most young people think that their way is the right way and that they do not have to stand for others opinions. America has begun to allow kids to strive for less and be a weaker society. Kids today no longer understand that there are winners and losers. They tend to be the “everyone gets a trophy generation”. I saw this change emerge when I was around 12 and playing sports. The importance of winning and following rules became less important because everyone achieved the same goal at the end. I quit playing sports because of this concept. I felt it was unfair to some of the athletes I played with or against. I do think peaceful resistance to laws can help society because everyone should be allowed to stand up to their beliefs.
I think the main problem with this concept today is that the media blows incidences out of proportion. I think they like to glamorize negativity and that they tend to want unrest between Americans. I feel they understand that controversy brings viewers which in turn boosts their ratings, and in turn makes them money. I think this is the biggest negative effect on our free society today. Society was much calmer and everyone got along better when the media did not have such a negative impact on