Trump's position on the gun policy is the first reason that he should win the presidency. First, he believes guns should not be taken, he does think that there needs to be a slightly longer wait times on assault rifles and some of these firearms need to be banned. For example, He would like to ban automatic weapons and some extremely destructive weapons. Finally, He doesn't want the people of America to have their guns to be almost impossible to get, just more controlled. For example, There will be longer wait times on some guns and there will be bans but the guns will still be able to be bought. These examples prove Donald Trump would benefit the United States of America. Mr.Trump’s position on the economy is the second reason that he/she should win the presidency. First, he believe that …show more content…
First, he believes he must repeal the Obamacare act For example, He is going to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with a system like what Canada has. In “America we deserve” he wrote that he supported the health care system that Canada has. Finally, he says that over 350,000 million people are out of work because of the Obamacare act. He also says that the people that have Obamacare misuse the hospitals, and the death rates have gone up. Trump also says that the state officials have had to cut hours with part time jobs because of Obamacare. These examples prove Donald Trump would benefit the United States of