The “Pentium flaw” or the Pentium FDIV bug was when Intel released defective Pentium processors. The defect was malfunctioning P5 Pentium floating point unit causing the computer to calculate division incorrectly. The “bug” was discovered by Professor Thomas Nicely when working on mathematical equations and noticed many inconsistencies in his calculations when he added a Pentium based computer on June, 13, 1994. Intel tried to keep the bug out of the lime light while they worked on updates to try and fix the problem but, persistent consumers kept pushing the issue on the internet and in magazines.…
As a group we decided to focus on Project B: Living on Another Planet. Since this idea has been researched and extensively theorized by NASA’s finest, we felt that this topic would be interesting since it may be obtainable within our lifetime. What would it take to live on another planet? What would we need to survive, to thrive, and to be comfortable on our new “alien” planet? We chose not to present the question “How do we get there?” since that question brings up an infinite amount of theories that Scientist and Physicist alike are still trying to overcome. Which planet would we want to live on? We chose a moon proven to have liquid water under its surface, Enceladus. With other living options out there like Mars, or Titan (one of Saturn’s larger moons) we chose in our opinion one of the least taxing and more accommodating locations.…
On December 13, 1933 a wonderful man was created by David and Etta Doby and his name was Larry Doby. He was born in Camden, South Carolina. When he was in high school he earn 11 letters in football, basketball, track and baseball from Paterson, New Jersey for sports to play around 1938-1942. He soon join the Newark Eagles Of The Negro National Leagues. He stop playing for the Newark Eagles to serve or go be for the U.S. navy. When he came back from the navy he went back to the Newark Eagles. He came back around 1946. The next year Bill Veeck wanted to sign him to play for the Cleveland Indians. When he was getting accepted to all the places to play he was getting offed affluent for he can play with them. He was famous because he wanted to change history about African Americans. He played with them for a year and he had 301 average home runs.…
I am David Shane Dobyns, twenty-two years of age; I was born in Puyallup, Washington August 17th 1994 at Good Samaritan hospital. My family consists of my mother, father, and brother. Growing up was as idyllic as one would suspect. In my pre-pubescent years we moved several times bouncing from Oregon to Washington in search of “gods’ plan” for us, finally starting a church of our own in Lubbock, Texas. The church siphoned our time and money to the brink of poverty. Through the eyes of a jaded 5-year-old, everything was but a perfect utopia, neither a problem nor a care in the world. Mother was a stay at home at the wife, dictated by the church, whilst father worked odd jobs donating what blood and platelets he could muster that week to pay…
In America, the racial divide between whites and blacks is quickly growing. To fully understand racism, it is necessary to look at how power in the hands of white people has consequently led to oppression and racism towards people of color. Many people, particularly whites, believe that racism stemmed from physical differences between whites and people of color; however, if one truly examines racial differences they will see that these so called “differences” are more social than physical. For centuries, white people have held specific biases and prejudices against people of color, claiming that they were inferior to whites. This notion of subordination began because the white men held the highest form of power one can hold; the power of…
McIntosh (1990) asserts how many individuals of the white race an unaware that they attain “white privilege.” As white individuals are taught to not recognize their “conferred dominance,” many of these individuals believe that…
The article, Racial Bias, Even When We Have Good Intentions, written by Sendhil Mullainathan focuses on the racial bias African Americans experience compared to White Americans or any other racial group. In the article, Mullainathan refers to a study he conducted with a colleague. Mullainathan and his colleague mailed resumes to different jobs that had job openings, but they mailed some with “African American” names and some with “White American” names. At the conclusion of their studies, it was concluded that the resumes with “White American” names on them received more feedback and call backs compared to the resumes with “African American” names. Mullainathan goes on to say, “Because the résumés were statistically identical, any differences…
The glass ceiling effect describes the invisible differences in appraisal, salary and position between men and women. Racism may also be seen in the myths that certain races may be better or worse in certain abilities. Because of a lack of familiarity with other races, people are more likely to unconsciously discriminate against others (Sherman, 2000). Racism has had serious damaging effects on the United States culture and society. These effects are expressed through language, ideas, schools, language policies, economic stratification social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotional schemas, minority members’ psychological issues and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunities. Racism is prevalent in American society and remains a silent code that systematically closes the doors of opportunity to young and old individuals. Visibly identifiable members of racial and ethnic oppressed groups continue to struggle for equal access and opportunity, particularly during times of harsh economics, dwindling natural resources, inflation, widespread unemployment and underemployment, and conservative judicial opinions that are precursors to greater deprivation. Unless curbed, these conditions invariably lead to greater ethnic and…
Larson, A., Gilles, M., Howard, P. J., & Coffin J. (2007). It’s enough to make you sick: The impact…
Blatant racism, such as the racial segregation in public facilities enacted by the Jim Crow laws, was progressively becoming outdated. However, a new form of racism was beginning to take root: symbolic racism. Symbolic racism is “the racial prejudice [that] injects contemporary political affairs in pervasive ways” (Wood 673). This form of racism is more harmful due to its subliminal and pervasive nature.…
Whites, in most cases, are blind to the racism still in the world. Most are more than aware of the old forms of racism (enslavement, legal segregation, lynching, etc.), but are blind to the modern forms (victim-blaming, contact avoidance, denial of cultural differences, etc.) (Blumenfeld, 2015). It seems that, while whites are unknowingly enjoying the privileges given to them at birth, they are also unknowingly learning inherent, hidden racism. Society as a whole is inundated with hidden accusations towards blacks, surreptitiously painting them as violent criminals. White children are sometimes warned to stay away from blacks, and are thus taught from an early age that people of color are not to be associated with and are either dangerous, lesser, or in some cases both. Most whites are sheltered in the fact that they cannot see past their advantages to see the disadvantages of not only blacks, but people of all colored nationalities, all of whom are victim of a society riddled with subliminal…
The idea of racial microaggressions has been around since the 1970s, you may not know any extremists, you think “I don’t hate black people, so I’m not racist”, but you benefit from discrimination. There are certain privileges and opportunities you have that you do not even realize since you have not been deprived in certain ways. Racial microaggressions are a type of perceived racism. They are more subtle and ambiguous than the more hostile or explicit expressions of racism, such as racial discrimination (Rainey Lecture 2015). Microaggressions are everyday verbal, visual, or environmental hostilities, slights, insults, and invalidations or mistreatment that occurs due to an individual’s ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and so on. (Golash-Boza…
In an article written by, Texas A&M University Sociology Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva called, The Linguistics of Color Blind Racism: How to Talk Nasty about Blacks without Sounding Racist, Bonilla-Silva carefully explains and analyzes the different tactics employed by whites to make comments with racist undertones without outwardly sounding racist that aid in maintaining the racial ideology known as color blind racism. The basis of Bonilla-Silva’s research was supplied from an array of different people, some being university students from the state of Michigan, and the others being residents of the Detroit metropolitan area, who each then participated in different interviews conducted by various groups. Based on the responses of the interviewees,…
In recent discussions of implicit racial bias, a controversial issue has been whether implicit racial bias is moral or immoral. On the one hand, some people argue that some people think implicit racial bias is moral and socially acceptable because those people with implicit racial bias are not directly hurting others. On the other hand, however, others argue that implicit racial bias is immoral, socially unacceptable and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. In the words of Daniel Kelly and Erica Roeddert, one of the main proponents, “obviously implicit racial bias is problematic insofar as it leads to harmful or unfair consequences” (Kelly and Roeddert 527). According to this view, implicit racial bias is problematic and dangerous…
Because of their foundations, colorism and racism intertwine and, what is more, colorism an expression of internalized racism (Hunter, 2007). As a matter of fact, both of the terms mentioned are related to the preferential treatment of individuals based only on skin color. (Hunter, 2007). In academic terms, racism is a sociological dimension that supports unequal treatment of people of different skin color (Pollock, 2008). As a result, the black are considered to be inferior and are thought to be less intelligent than the white. Racial discrimination is another dimension inextricably connected with both racism and colorism. It constitutes many activities which aim is to diminish the black (Pollock, 2008). Besides, black people have to face…