Gothamie Weerakoon presentation was how inspirational she was. Coming from a small country in Asia and having 2 children while being an undergrad showed how much passion she had for science. She never gave up and continued her education. She travels the world to amazing places to collect more lichen and document the various types. I also, liked how clear and funny she was in her presentation. She explained well what are lichen which I have never heard of before her presentation. Dr. Weerakoon showed us videos and great pictures of her work and experiences which I liked. I really enjoyed her presentation and found it a very educational and inspirational.
I would recommend Dr. Gothamie Weerakoon for future classes. She is a very inspirational person who has done interesting research on an organism most people never heard of. She mentioned the importance of protecting rainforest and how global warming is real issue. She was funny and did an excellent job teaching the class about lichen and her other research. Overall, I liked her presentation and recommend her for future BCQ