I think that the driving age should be banned till the age of 21 because there will be
Number of cut backs on accidents and also death. Statistics have shown that 15% of all accidents and deaths have involved many young drives under the age of 21. 17 to 20 year olds are most likely to be killed or injured in a accident. By rising the driving age till 21 there will be a decrease in death and injuries.
Another reason why the driving age should be raised is because many young teenagers have a racer “boy attitude”. This shows that they are not mature enough and not sensible enough to be let loose on the road. Research has shown that young driver’s brains are too immature to drive safely. The front lobe which controls emotions, risk-taking and decision making is not developed until the age of 25
Elizabeth Davidson whose 26 year old daughter was killed by a teenage driver. Margaret Davidson’s car was hit by 19 year old Nolan Haworth at 70mph in a 50mph zone as he raced to court, while banned to answer a charge of affray. In September last year he was jailed just for 4 years after pleading guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.
Many young teenage drivers are very care less and do not pay any attention to the roads. They pay more attention to their i pods and mobile phones. On the other hand some teenagers are not reliable. They take their eyes of the roads start texting each other to find out the latest gossip and then crash into