Have you ever wondered how it feels like to have a brother that has leukemia and a dad who hasn’t talked to his first born in four months. But on October 7th It all started With that small nose bleed off the small stool. In Drums, Girls + Dangerous Pie A book made by Author Jordan Sonnenblick. It tells the Story about an 8th grader named Steven Alper and his crazy life after he found out his brother has leukemia a type of cancer and how they get thought it.…
There are many intriguing characters in the novel Time Enough for Drums by Ann Rinaldi. This novel is about a girl in the Revolutionary War named Jemima Emerson. Her parents want her to have a solid education, so they give her a tutor. Later in the novel, she finds love with this tutor, and they get betrothed. The tutor’s name is John Reid. He has many important traits that make him a positive role model for many. John reid is a very helpful, stern, and caring person. Most often, these traits are shown involving he and Jemima.…
Every game needs rules in order to ensure that everyone has a fair chance at succeeding in the game. If, however, fairness to all players is not a necessity, then no rules are necessary. In "Bang the Drum Slowly," this theme is inherent in everything from card games to life itself.…
On February 22nd 2013, I had my first bargemusic at Fulton Street pier in Brooklyn. Bargemusic is an old barge that converted into a chamber music hall. It was a great pleasure to have such a terrific concert on a Friday night. The internal of the barge was so classical with aged wall chairs. In the middle of the room is a stage with a piano that was shining when lights were facing above it. A stupendous view of the Manhattan skyline out the glass wall was placed behind the stage which gives a perfect background of the performer. The performer was a piano musician called Olga Vinokur. The convert was officially started at 8:00pm after her short introduction.…
When the poem starts, the narrator urges the drums and bugles to play their music loudly and powerful, so it bursts through doors and windows into schools and churches. He even urges the instruments to disturb newlyweds and farmers. Then, as if on repeat, he once again urges the drums and bugles to play, except he describes their sound hoping it will reach across the city. He wants it to keep people up at night and keep them from working during the day. If people chose to ignore it and carry on with their business, the instruments must play even louder and wilder. Then once again, he tells the instruments to play even more powerfully, except this time they should not stop playing for any conversation or explanation. He urges the drums and bugles to not pay attention to anyone no matter what they are doing and tells the music to recruit men into the military, regardless what their mothers and children say. Finally, he urges the instruments to play so loud and powerful that it shakes the support beams that lie under the dead.…
Being the Drum Major of a marching band is an incredible honor. This statement is particularly true for the Dunmore High School marching band. The DHSMB is renowned for having an amazing band, led by amazing Drum Majors. To be a Drum Major, one must possess a tremendous amount of skill and abilities that extend beyond playing an instrument. Some of these skills include: being a skilled musician, an innovative leader, and an effective motivator. I, Nico Summa, am the best choice for Drum Major for the 2016 / 2017 school year because I possess all of these astounding qualities and many more.…
Long ago the Greeks and Romans used brass instruments as well as percussion instruments to send information across battlefields as well as in their own camps (Trotter). Celtic armies would charge into battle and march valiantly to the sound of horns, and the beat of the booming drums behind them (Ibid). Not just the music inspired soldiers though. In some cases the symbols of a country’s popular instrument could give them inspiration to charge into battle and fight hard (Ibid). For example the bagpipes were so important to the scottish military that Britain banned the instrument after the defeat of the scottish army in 1746 (Ibid). Using music as a means of signaling was very effective, and the men involved in the battles used these tunes to help them get through these trying times they were put…
I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study . I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications.…
Ever since the beginning of this year the idea of being drum major has been floating in and out of my mind. I have spent many an occasion debating with myself if I wanted to keep marching with the band, one of my favorite things to do, or if I wanted to take my chances and try to make it as a drum major so that I could conduct, another favorite thing of mine. The lack of enthusiasm from my band friends does not help in favor of my wishes of becoming drum major. Though somewhere along the line my love for conducting won out, and now I find myself writing this essay and biting my nails as the nerves of try outs settle in my mind.…
I think I would make a great drum major because I believe people take me as a leader and respect and listen to what have to I say. Though I usually am the leader I also am a good listener. When people have problems or have ideas to make the show better I will listen to whatever has to be said. To me being a drum major would be a great accomplishment and an awesome chance to help out our marching band. I have found from being in the marching band that each member wants respect. I intend to give respect first and in doing that I believe I will receive it from my piers allowing this whole experience to be a perfect one.…
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a drum major is defined simply as “the leader of a marching band.” However, I think that the drum major is more than just a leader. He is the image, the personality, and the character of the band as a whole. I believe I have the ability, charisma, and leadership qualities to fill this honorable position. I pride myself on being an honest, confident, and reliable person. Next year will be my fourth year in the band and I have always made my best effort to be on time, to support others, and be enthusiastic about everything I do no matter how difficult it is. Most importantly, an outstanding leader is not scared of admitting that they have made a mistake. This takes a great amount of maturity and responsibility, and I have always made that a very important aspect of my life. Another very important skill of a leader I have is courage, because it implies so much. Being decisive requires courage, because as a leader you cannot be afraid to fail but wholeheartedly support their own opinions, and not be fearful of suggesting a new approach at some situations.I am not perfect but picking me as the drum major for Warren Easton Fighting Eagles Marching Band would be a fantastic experience for me, and I would really love to dedicate myself to a program that I already hold dear to my heart, and remember for the rest of my life.…
Marching band and concert band have two completely different concepts. However, many high school students consider the word band as being able to play some kind of musical instrument. Being a five year marching band member and playing in concert band for seven years, I feel as if I know the difference between these two activities. One of the main differences between marching and concert band is the mental process one must go through to memorize the music and the steps on the field. Obviously marching band is much more physical than concert band, and the adrenalin one gets before competing is extraordinarily different. Another noticeable difference is the marching band is under the direction of a student drum major and not the actual band director who conducts all concert band activities. Personally, I do not understand why the students at my high school did not know the difference between marching and concert band. In my opinion, the difference is very clear.…
I am applying for both section leader and drum major because I have a lot to offer in both positions in the band. I am a great leader, with a lot of maturity and know when it’s time to be serious, and when it’s time to joke around. Every day, I grow more and more with this band and leading this band as drum major, or leading the saxophones as section leader, would be an amazing accomplishment for me and I know I can do the job well.…
Percussion instruments were also popular in the Native American tribes. Some included rasps, bells as a use of clothing and clap-sticks. Flutes, whistles, and some stringed instruments were also commonly used. One instrument specific to the Apache tribe was the Apache violin, which is a single-string instrument made from the stalk of the agave plant. Compared to similar instruments in Western Culture, Native American Instruments were constructed with different materials. For example, the drums were constructed from wood with skinheads. In the video linked below, you can see how to drums were a detrimental instrument in the native American culture. It is said that for centuries the heartbeat of the Native American culture has reverberated through the beat of the drum. As you can see in the video, the drum circle, illustrates how playing the drum is about more than just the music it produces, it is an important part of the cultural heritage of many Native American tribes. The cool thing about the drums is the way they have transformed over the years. On another note, the next link provided demonstrates the use of the flute in the Native American Culture. As you can tell, it is not a noise we commonly hear in modern day music, but if you continue to listen, it is a very relaxing melody that is still used today during meditation sessions,…
I think I would make a great drum major because I believe people take me as a leader and respect and listen to what have to I say. Though I usually am the leader I also am a good listener. When people have problems or have ideas to make the show better I will listen to whatever has to be said. To me being a drum major would be a great accomplishment and an awesome chance to help out our marching band. I have found from being in the marching band that each member wants respect. I intend to give respect first and in doing that I believe I will receive it from my piers allowing this whole experience to be a perfect one.…