Policy makers seem to believe that it will lead to countries’ development. Krätli (2000) noted that education is seen as an instrument for transforming nomads into settled farmers, modernized livestock producers and ‘loyal’ citizens. I think it may diminish the poverty problem among nomads and increase their productivity with improving their quality and standard of life, is a selfish and ideal thought because they assume most of the nomads will join the educational program and change their lifestyle after graduation, but what if the students still want to be a nomad as a lifelong occupation? The whole educational scheme may be useless, as the nomadic group does not want to take the chance to upgrade their social mobility and being developed. In my opinion, education can lead to development, but it is not the only way. As nomads are living in a traditional lifestyle, and do not significantly harm the economy or the society, I think we can let them to remain their lifestyle rather than finding a way to eradicate them or force them to change their original way of …show more content…
As nomads are afraid of the ‘myth of sedentarisation’, and the government actually uses the educational policies as an instrument to make them sedentary, can they abandon this aim and let them learn skills that are useful in their daily life? Can government make use of the educational service and eventually make the nomadic groups develop instead of using forcibly policies? As I cannot find the answer immediately, I may use qualitative research methods, such as finding first-hand information, analyzing those academic journals to reach my answer. I may hold interviews in order to get their opinions towards the nomadic educational policies. Also, I will get into their lifestyle by migrating with nomads as Dyer did to analysis what is the best educational method that can balance the development and the nomads’ needs, and I think it may be a good method for the government know what education means are truly suitable for the country and nomads so that they can improve or change their