In what capacity have you worked with these programs?
What were your primary job duties in that position? o Provide an example on the type of work you did with WIA policies and guidelines. o Based on your experience in WIA, what is one of the most common performance reporting problems in the:
Youth program?
Adult or Dislocated Worker program?
• Identifying your experience in interpreting and applying …show more content…
This should include clearly explaining in one’s own writing the issues and programs related to the ETA-funded workforce development system. o Give three examples on the type of presentation or training relating to the WIA program that you have provided and identify who were the targeted audience. o What is PMQ?
Briefly explain how the PMQ can best be used in working with our states and local workforce boards.
Identify one or more weakness in using the PMQ.
• Identify your experience in exercising sound judgment, reasoning, and critical thinking as well as taking a lead role or individual initiative to deal with increasingly complex problems. o Give three examples on “how” you have approached and addressed complex problems or issues?
• Identify your experience in reviewing and evaluating proposals, plans, policies, manuals and other documents for technical accuracy and legal sufficiency. o Give three examples of reviewing and evaluating proposals, plans, policies, etc. o If you were going to conduct a WIA data validation review in a state:
Where would you go to access the documents you need to review?
What are the primary source documentations you would request to