“Eat well and sleep well,” a phrase, can be related to a healthiness. In order for a person to be healthy, consuming the right kind of food is necessary. Eating disorder can lead to serious problems in a body. One common problem due to unhealthy diet is Obesity. Obesity refers to an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity can cause a malfunction in the body and lead to some of the dangerous diseases. Thus, it is necessary to look after eating a healthy diet which can be helpful to achieve strong body and mind.
I. Introduction
A. Hook
B. Bridge
C. Thesis: Thus, it is necessary to look after eating a healthy diet which can be helpful to achieve strong body and mind.
II. Body
A. Description of problem: obesity is caused due to unhealthy diet
1. Explanation: excessive fat in a body which is harmful for a body
2. Examples : BMI (body mass index) between 25 and 29.9 is consider overweight. Above 30 is obese. So, Height 5' 9 169 lbs to 202 lbs 25.0 to 29.9 is Overweight and 203 lbs or more 30 or higher is Obese
3. Evidence from sources: “In 2009-2010, more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) were obese.”
B. Causes and effects of problem
1. Explanation: due to eating junk food and high calories fatty food. High risk of heart attack, diabetes and other chronic illness
2. Examples: chips, artificial sugars, corn syrup are the foods. More chances of suffering from illness because of more fat.
3. Evidence from sources: “How To Get Fat Without Trying” Documentary
C. Past solutions to problem: surgery and diet pills
1. Explanation: surgery and diet pills are taken in order to reduce fat
2. Advantages of solutions: quick and easy way
3. Disadvantages of solutions: expensive, side effects, temporary
D. Best solution to problem: aware of the problem and effects
1. Explanation: awareness of eating a balanced diet, physical exercise
2. Disadvantages of solution, if any : time consuming and less