In most articles, one possible cause of Poe’s death is attributed to alcoholism. Close to Poe’s death, he was spotted in a tavern, dressed in another man’s clothes and semiconscious. A printer named Joseph Walker saw him and stated that he seemed “‘rather the worse for wear’ and ‘in great distress’” (Silverman 1). This would likely be attributed to …show more content…
“Some versions have Poe unconscious under the steps of the Baltimore Museum before being taken to the hospital” (New York Times 2). All the articles published are speculative, and only provide clues and pieces in relation to the actual cause of Poe’s death. As stated in “Poe’s Final Days”, “the cause of Poe’s death remains in doubt” (Silverman 4). Finally, most of these articles take an objective stance on Poe’s death. While making claims, each article only presents facts in a suggestive manner, rather than a subjective and aggressive manner. “Edgar Allan Poe did not die drunk in a gutter in Baltimore, but rather had rabies, a new study suggests” (New York Times 1). The use of the word ‘suggests” shows that the article intends to present facts and report on them, and does not try to sway the …show more content…
In this article, it is said that Poe’s death was brought on because of rabies. Throughout the article, proof of rabies is presented and supported by high-standing physicians and scientists. “But Poes was not drunk, said Dr Benitez, and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland” (New York Times 1). Many credible studies are presented in the article and used objectively to provide factual clues in relation to Poe’s death. “Dr. Benitez worked on Poe’s case as part of a clinical pathologic conference. Doctors are presented with a hypothetical patient and a description of the symptoms and are asked to render a diagnosis” (New York Times 2). This abundance of critical support makes this article the most credible and convincing.
Throughout articles regarding Edgar Allan Poe’s death, many theories are presented. From alcoholism to rabies and encephalitis. Today, the cause of Poe’s death is still unknown. In articles that regard Poe’s death, they take an objective stance, and still only speculate to the cause of Poe’s