As in any other case a catholic will seek the priests help to find peace in a troubling situation. So, he went to the person who had seen him grow throughout the years. The one who baptized him when he was only a few weeks old, the one who led him through his first communion, and the one who would now be a witness of his faith during his confirmation. He explained his gender nonconformity and how he had always interested in Barbie dolls and playing dress up but it didn’t stop there he explained that he was attracted to his same sex. The reaction he received scared him for life he was banished from a place where he always felt safe. The priest exclaimed, "these acts violate the natural law" and "falling for this unnatural temptation is a sin he could not overlook". As he broke down at his feet he made it clear with a firm voice, "'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination […] If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them'". Such traumatic event changed his mentality to the point where he could not accept himself. All he could think of was being hated by his whole family and especially the person who he loved and admired God. Being shown such hatred by everyone in his church his faith in God was slowly ripped
As in any other case a catholic will seek the priests help to find peace in a troubling situation. So, he went to the person who had seen him grow throughout the years. The one who baptized him when he was only a few weeks old, the one who led him through his first communion, and the one who would now be a witness of his faith during his confirmation. He explained his gender nonconformity and how he had always interested in Barbie dolls and playing dress up but it didn’t stop there he explained that he was attracted to his same sex. The reaction he received scared him for life he was banished from a place where he always felt safe. The priest exclaimed, "these acts violate the natural law" and "falling for this unnatural temptation is a sin he could not overlook". As he broke down at his feet he made it clear with a firm voice, "'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination […] If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them'". Such traumatic event changed his mentality to the point where he could not accept himself. All he could think of was being hated by his whole family and especially the person who he loved and admired God. Being shown such hatred by everyone in his church his faith in God was slowly ripped