Education in particular has been affected by the vast size of the state. With its more than …show more content…
state. There are rural communities which can be reached only by plane or boat (M. Davis, “Retaining teachers in the Alaskan bush”). This leads to certain difficulties, especially that of finding willing teachers to work with children in these areas. Michael Tozzo, a teacher in Togiak School in Togiak, Alaska, has stated in an interview (A. Watson, “What’s it like to teach in a remote village in Alaska?”), that the towns he has lived in have very minimal road systems and also high costs of living due to their isolated locations. “You are literally cut off from most everything that people consider to be part of their daily routine. There are no coffee shops here, no bookstores, no movie theatre or bowling alley, no place to get your oil changed or mall to hang out at after school.” In addition, the extended dark hours and harsh weather