When foreign microbes invade the human bodies, the immune system is automatically activated itself to a series of responses by 1) identifying the invaders from entering the body and 2) eliminating them before it can harm the hosts’ bodies. The immune system is a way to protect the body and allows you to have a chance fighting against the diseases. The immune system has three lines of defense against foreign pathogens: First line of defense, Second line of defense and Third line of defense. …show more content…
This is the first line of defense against illness and diseases. These barriers impede the entry of microbes and other foreign agents living or non-living; keeping things out and limiting them access to the internal tissues of our bodies. It seeks out invaders that attack the bodies regularly. Its job is to be able to recognize, respond and remember the invaders.
The second line of defense is also nonspecific; it destroys the invaders in a generalized way without targeting specific individuals. Some example of the mechanisms are: Phagocytosis, Inflammation, and Fever.
• Phagocytosis - is the ingestion of bacteria and eliminate the materials o It goes through and study the tissue discovering microbes, particulate matter, and injured or dead cells
• Inflammation – is nonspecific response to tissue injury such as physical trauma o Signs that made indicate this are redness, warmth, pain, swelling and altered function
• Fever – is an adjunct to inflammation and elevating body