Aptitude test The reflection for better …show more content…
understanding the aptitude test allows for the scholar to understand the information related to presenting training to the professional development of educators. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 requires that all students participate in statewide assessments to increase accountability (Altman, Cormier, Lazarus & Thurlow, 2012). The importance of the training allows for the trainer to help educators to gain knowledge that needs to be acquired to become a better educator. For example, newly hired paraeducators may not have all the knowledge needed to help the special education teacher. It is determined that the aptitude test is unbiased and is not determine by the IQ of the student, but to determine the ability of the student, such as determining the spatial reasoning and the numerical reasoning a student may acquire. It can be misconstrued that educators only teach to the test, and that assessment determines the intelligence and that equal ability. However, one set of assessment should not be used to determine if a student should receive services. There are pros and cons for the formal assessment, such as the test being convenient and can be implemented quickly. However, the standardized testing can measure superficial learning (showing a student is relatively higher or lower) than actual scores. Additionally, the test can produce questions unrelated to the goals and objectives. Reflecting on the different aptitude test allowed for the scholar to learn more about informal assessment.
This affects the scholar because it will help with the understanding of informal assessment and ways to conduct these assessments within the classroom. For example, the scholar can use task analysis to break down a larger goal into smaller steps to allow for the student to feel a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, the scholar can apply this to the current and future position when working the residential center for adults becoming more independent. It is important that the accommodations are understood in assessment. The accommodations may be related to settings or response accommodations, which will help the scholar to understand how to get assessment results with all the students and better relate materials to the goals and objectives. It is important to note that the persons conducting the assessment are highly trained. More overly, the accommodations and modifications should be determined through the IEP and 504 plans, respectfully. The scholar can use this information to make sure that accommodations and modification for the student are evaluated often. Furthermore, the assessment determines screening and identification for those experiencing delays and learning problems; eligibility and diagnosis to determine if the student has a disability and what is the diagnosis; IEP development and placement to determine the IEP placement; instructional planning to
determine the instructional strategies to utilize with the students, and evaluation to monitor the students’ progress (Barbee, 2016). This information can help the scholar in the future career of instructional planning for instructional strategies for adults becoming independent to evaluate the progress of the student. The scholar can personally better understand the assessment process for family members and become a better advocate for those persons needing a better understanding of the process.
The Woodcock- Johnson test was part of the intelligence by Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) by determining the ways fluid intelligence solve novel problems and focuses on the following aspects in intelligence: Long-Term Retrieval Auditory Processing, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed, Short-Term Memory, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Comprehension-Knowledge, Reading-Writing, and Quantitative Knowledge. The Woodcock- Johnson test in the classroom can be used to determine the fluid intelligence in the special education classroom, become one determinate for a student receiving services, and allows for diagnostics for certain disabilities, such as head injury and the language impairment (Abu-Hamour, Hmouz, Mattar, & Muhaidat, 2012). This is important to the scholar professional because as an educator; understanding different assessments and the importance each assessment has on special education. It is important to understand the adaptions of the test because it will allow for the special educator to determine if additional adaptations are needed. Therefore, if the assessment is a commercial assessment, the educator needs to know what adaptations are available and if it meets the needs of the student. The scholar, also, learned that the person administrating the test should be highly qualified and understand the means of the test. For example, with the Woodcock-Johnson test should be administered by a person with a background in educational assessment and a completion of the graduate-level course in test administration would be the best.