“The Importance of Having a Voice”
Are children being heard in the classroom? Working in an education environment this question should be asked and explored.
Communication plays a role throughout life, it allows us to exchange information and ideas, express our needs and desires to learn about the world and to become social beings. (Owen 2001, cited in Porter 2002:155), Communication indicates the ability to convey a message by non linguistic (non verbal) and linguistic (verbal) communication. (Dore 1986, cited in Porter 2002:155) Shannon and Weaver (1949, cited in Powell 2010:8) describe communication process as ‘a message centre approach’, exchanging the message from one destination to another. Berlo (1960) argue that messages are influenced by a number of individual difference variables (cited in Powell 2010:9) and that messages are sent through different channels, sent by the sender to reach the receiver for successful communication. Owen, (1992 cited in Kuder 1997:6) defined communication as “the process of exchanging information and ideas between participants”. Chomsky (cited in Childs 2010:121) supports that language enable children to process incoming signals, make sense of them and produce a response and it is the rules of language that children learn. However the communication may breakdown and some may find mastering the chain difficult and will not connect the message, therefore analysing and identifying their needs is essential so the chain becomes complete. This may cause difficulties in communication and pupils may be reluctant to participate in discussions, fail to ask questions and shy away from interaction with others. Working with children we must indentify, understand and help these children’s in communicating and to have a voice.
Helping pupils to understand socio-political matters and helping them to indentify their own needs in society, in which they find themselves is a process which teachers have to address. Human
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