Abstract Effective communication will increase productivity in business meetings. It is the oil that greases the business machinery. When one cannot communicate effectively, business meetings are unsuccessful. The competitive environment demands that communication should be prompt and more informal than ever before. Communication methods are among those that workers find most vital, and they play a major role in each functional field of business. The skills achieved in studying communication methods will help people do their job well. Effective communication skills will help a speaker effectively deliver his or her point of view to others. Carrying out verbal presentations well will expand a person’s opportunities. Strong verbal communication skills are just as necessary as writing skills to help a person to contribute to the success of a company. Many people have an inborn fear of speaking in the presence of others. By practicing and using several simple rules, one can overcome such fears and present effective verbal presentations. The simple recommendations describe how to obtain organizational objectives with particular focus on communication rules for effective meetings. People call meetings for a common goal. A clear process will make a meeting efficient and useful for the benefit of everyone. Be an attentive listener, show people that you are really interested in the topic. Listening to the interviewer is an activity; it is not a passive process. Show your interviewer that you fully understand his or her point of view, that you are filled with his or her feelings,
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