Health care workers must depend on one another. No one person can do it all (Makely, 2013) is more helpful is the inter-professional working together they can get the job done and done well (Makely 2013) is so important to the manager and create a positive and gratify work environment. Team collaboration is essential to finding the best solution for the patient. All professionals have different concept and skills it is important note that poor …show more content…
Having effective communication in health care can benefit the workplace to establish a pleasant and risk-free environment. Good listening skills are vital. (Makley 2103) It’s important to listen to someone but also actually hear what the person has to say (Sevellen 2009) that could enhance the building of a relationship with the team workers. For example communication consist of verbal and non-verbal actions where verbal communication is used to describe messages through speech, tone of voice, sequence and rhythm of words it is used for expression and description of emotions. While the non-verbal expects of communication focused on body language such as posture, movement, body position and special dimensions. (Sevellen