1. Which of the following is evidence supporting the assertion that companies are investing in more training?
A) Higher net sales per employee
B) Higher gross profits per employee
C) Higher ratios of market to book value
D) Both A & B
E) All of the above (easy; p.4)
2. In an open system model which of the following statements is not true?
A) Open systems have a dynamic relationship with their environment.
B) Open systems may exist as part of another open system.
C) The system is open to influences from its environment.
D) Inputs are transformed into outputs through a process.
E) All of the above are true.(moderate, p.4-5)
3. Viewing training as a subsystem of an organizational system, the inputs into the training subsystem include an organization's
A) strategies.
B) mission.
C) resources.
D) people
E) all of the above (easy; p.5)
4. In the training model a triggering event is
A) an organizational performance deficit. (easy; p.6-7)
B) a signal that training has been successful.
C) a type of behavioral based evaluation.
D) input into the development phase of training.
E) None of the above.
5. Input into the developmental phase of the training model comes from
A) needs analysis.
B) design.
C) evaluation.
D) both B & C. (challenging, p.7)
E) none of the above.
6. In the evaluation of training, a determination of whether the trainer actually covered all aspects of the training as designed is called
A) outcome evaluation.
B) outcome.
C) phase evaluation.
D) process evaluation. (moderate; p.9)
E) procedural evaluation.
7. In the training process model, evaluation occurs at which point?
A) After the design phase
B) After the implementation phase
C) After the development phase
D) All of the above (moderate; p.9)
8. Which of the following sources is an input to the analysis process?
A) The organization