Many educators view teaching as organized, purposeful and deliberate efforts designed to bring about certain desirable ends in an individual. Garcia (2000) states that a teacher must know what teaching is because his concept of teaching will guide his behaviour and his own interpretation of teaching that becomes essential to his performance as a teacher. It serves as high guide as well as direction in every classroom work to achieve effective teaching-learning process. Teachers responsible for developing scientific and technological skills among students. They play an important role in teaching to be able to achieve maximum and effective learning. However, to be able to facilitate effective learning they need to have an understanding of what is to be taught. It is from this understanding that it becomes imperative that a number of appropriate and effective strategies be carefully considered and applied to meet the needs of the students. In the emergence of the borderless world, teachers find themselves in the midst of knowledge explosion where learning is no longer confined to one state of an individual’s development. Thus, teachers need to develop the critical thinking skills and analysis so that they can face the very complicated situations, it is imperative that mentors teach students on how to assimilate knowledge that is relevant, prepare students for the bright new world, and help them become masters not of other person but of themselves and their own destinies. Teaching science concepts require strategies that will encourage students to reflect and use their thinking skills in relation to the knowledge and information learned in science. One of these strategies is the use of analogy, a method wherein the ideas, culture, resources and experience of the learner is used and it has a positive powerful effect when incorporated in the culture of school. It embraces the