Introduction: For this experiment, the town council wanted to test which building material would be the best to build statues in a zoo. The building material with the lowest pH would be the best building material because while 7 is neutral anything below 7 is considered acidic and anything higher than 7 results in a base. Precipitation of 5.5 or lower is considered acid rain. Connecticut and most of the United States have to deal with acid rain. Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide and when nitrogen oxides enter the air by wind and air currents. The geocycles involved in acid rain are sulfur and nitrogen. Acid rain affects the environment by making waters acidic where it eventually affects plants and other wildlife living in there, adult fish can die at a low pH. While the acidic rain flows through the body of water it removes the aluminum from the soil. This aluminum is harmful to the plants and animals. Acid rain also removes the nutrients from the …show more content…
The hypothesis was if the building materials are affected by the vinegar then the red sandstone will react the least because it is made of sand and sand is weak and most likely wouldn't be able to with hold the effect of acid rain. The hypothesis was proven partly true, because just like red sandstone granite also has an average pH of 2. The control was also 2, these two building materials would be better than limestone because while limestone had a pH of 2.5 and granite and red sandstone had a pH of 2 granite and red sandstone reacted less than limestone. Compared to the control limestone increased by .5 and red sandstone and granite didn't react at all. In conclusion, red sandstone or granite would be the best to build a statue out of because it reacts the least with the