Electronics and the Important Effects It Has on Life.
In today’s world there is not one aspect of life that electronics do not touch. Since we have been looking for our lives to be simpler and easier we have been heading for a life full of electronics. Things are invented just to make one’s life go quicker or make one’s life easier. There have also been many good developments from electronics, as in medical advancements, food safety, travel, work and entertainment. One cannot look into any field without it having some type of electronics involved with it. One of the most touched fields is medicine, there have been improvement to extend a person’s life. Some of the electronics that have been invented are those such as the pace maker, dialysis machine, and blood sugar meter. Without these items many would not have the proper care to make their lives much better and this would also mean shorting of lives. Pace markers help those with heart conditions who otherwise would not have something to keep beats regulated. Dialysis machines help those with kidney damage let them lead a health life until a proper kidney is found for them. Blood meters help those with diabetes have better control of their sugar levels, this will help stop the damage that diabetes can cause. Other advancements in the medical field are that research into importing people’s health range from discovering vaccines, for illness that in the past could have killed us, to making stem cells for skin cells (“Scientists Use Skin”). In 2000, the human genome was discovered with the advent of technology that would have never be possible otherwise, now one can read the complete set of human genetic information (“The Tops 10 Medical Advances”). The internet can now be used to gather information on a disease in mere minutes, unlike before that would take days, to better help the patient understand their ailment. Another of the wonders of electronics is the speed in which blood samples can be processed, what use to take days in the past now days takes only
Cited: “Food Irradiation.” Idaho State University. 10 Aug. 2011
< http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/food.htm>
“Scientists Use Skin to Create Stem Cells” Washington Post. 7 June 2007. 10 Aug, 2011
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/06/AR2007060601345.html>
“The Top 10 Medical Advances of the Decade.” ABC News. 17 Dec. 2009. 10 Aug. 2011
< http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Decade/genome-hormones-top-10-medical-advances-decade/story?id=9356853>