Q1: “What must a person who is claiming they were harassed in the workplace allege in order to first state a case with the EEOC for each of the following types of harassment?”
Sexual harassment – quid pro quo.
In quid pro quo, the person filing a claim must prove the employer has used their authority (supervisor, manager, etc.) to make decisions of employment actions in exchange for sexual favors from the employee/applicant. This can be sexual favors in exchange for “job benefits, promotion, employment, salary increases, shift or work assignments, performance expectations and other conditions” (Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment). This is a form of sexual harassment but differs in that it typically means a sexual favor is being offered and/or requested in order to gain something from it, like a promotion or pay raise. This is considered an abuse of power and can be a violation of tort law. To prove this, you must prove that “you belong to a protected group; you were subject to unwelcome sexual
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