High-Risk and Low-Risk Purchasing Behavior
This paper explores the various psychological aspects of consumption and the emotional states that spur high-risk and low-risk consumption behaviors. The research presented is drawn from a compilation of scholarly articles from journals including the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Consumer Research. This paper cites studies that explore emotion and behavior in a wide array of consumption situations, including the consumption of both hedonic and utilitarian products. Data collected in the cited studies was drawn from questionnaires and experimental environments. Three main psychological components that determine the level of risk of consumption behavior are discussed: the consumer’s forecasted emotions resulting from the decision, the consumer’s self esteem, and aspects of the life goals that the consumer has in place.
Emotional States Associated with
High-Risk and Low-Risk Purchasing Behavior
Much of today’s marketing research focuses on advertising and its effective or ineffective aspects. Research that focuses on the consumer and the motives behind consumers’ purchasing behaviors can be highly relevant; it can help companies better understand their target customers and it can help consumers become more conscious decision makers. Whether a consumer decides to make a high-risk purchasing decision or a low-risk purchasing decision depends on their forecasted emotions resulting from the purchase, their self-esteem, and their ability to pursue and maintain certain types of goals. High-risk spending, also known as “splurging,” can be the result of a negative mood, various components of low-self esteem, and a lack of long-term, attainable goals. Low-risk spending, also known as “saving,” can be the result of a positive mood, various components of high self-esteem, and the presence of important long-term goals.
Forecasted Emotions
Whether a consumer
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