An unpredictable and challenging market and economic condition has forced many organizations to increase their level of competition. It forces them to develop competitive advantage through employee as valued resourced of organization. An organization needs engaged employee that not only satisfied but also willing to contribute that will benefit the success of organization and themselves.
This essay aims to evaluate impact of employee engagement on organizational performance as an important factor of business success.
Employee Engagement
Kahn (1990) defines personal engagement as “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performance.”
Saks (2006) defines engagement as a “distinct and unique construct that consists of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components that are associated with individual role performance. Furthermore, engagement is distinguishable from several related constructs, most notably organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour, and job involvement.”
Employee engagement has similarities with commitment and Organizational Citizen Behaviour (COB) concepts. Robinson, Perryman, and Hayday (2004) distinguished that employee engagement is the result of two-way mutual relationship between employee and organization and engaged employee are expected to have awareness of business context even though it similar with those concepts.
In summary, employee engagement is two-way mutual relationship between employee and organization where an engaged employee presents positive psychological factors when
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