As psychological state engagement, engagement could be categorized into job satisfaction, organizational commitment, psychological empowerment and job involvement. Firstly, job satisfaction could be defined as an employee’s attitude towards his job. According to Shuck(2010), Macey and Schneider(2008), although there are similarities between engagement and satisfaction, engagement is beyonds satisfaction that is measured descriptively and engagement mainly focuses on the willingness of contributing discretionarily to the organization. They also point out that only when satisfaction is measured as emotions or states, could satisfaction be considered as one part of engagement. Secondly, organizational commitment refers to individual’s psychological adherence to, loyalty to and recognition of the organization. Macey and Schneider(2008) states that organizational commitment is a crucial part of employee engagement as psychological state when it is assessed as the
As psychological state engagement, engagement could be categorized into job satisfaction, organizational commitment, psychological empowerment and job involvement. Firstly, job satisfaction could be defined as an employee’s attitude towards his job. According to Shuck(2010), Macey and Schneider(2008), although there are similarities between engagement and satisfaction, engagement is beyonds satisfaction that is measured descriptively and engagement mainly focuses on the willingness of contributing discretionarily to the organization. They also point out that only when satisfaction is measured as emotions or states, could satisfaction be considered as one part of engagement. Secondly, organizational commitment refers to individual’s psychological adherence to, loyalty to and recognition of the organization. Macey and Schneider(2008) states that organizational commitment is a crucial part of employee engagement as psychological state when it is assessed as the