TOTAL WORD COUNT - 1032 Approach to the Assignment
I have been pleased with the way in which I have tackled this assignment in terms of the final product. The research that I conducted paid off, in terms of providing an overview of employee relations in the Public Sector, the issues it has faced over the last decade and more specifically, its current state and what steps are being taken to improve.
Once the research was finished I went about trying to find a case study in which in-depth research and explanation could be conducted. The reason I chose Sussex Police Force was that the case study involved a positive outcome of building leadership capability and how this can change the culture of an organisation. I wanted to provide an example where there was a positive outcome which would result in greater attention span of the presentation audience and to enlighten the audience that working in the Public Sector despite all the bad publicity can still be a good environment to work within.
Having only ever worked in the private sector I realised I had been influenced from information provided in the media and I needed to make my own opinions from the research and case studies from the public sector to tackle this assignment. I completed this by looking on the intranet at the Public sector and referring back to my LMP. This gave me a better idea of how to undertake the task in terms of the issues that I needed to consider.
What I have learnt from this Assignment
The first area of knowledge that I can say I have developed is realising the enormity of the different organisations within the Public Sector all of which have an overarching impact from the Spending Reform, however each having individual and specific issues to tackle. This has enabled me to look at the Public Sector in more detail.
One of the key areas in my opinion that I have developed is finding out the main causes