Published by: Care Council for Wales South Gate House Wood Street Cardiff CF10 1EW Tel: (029) 2022 6257 Fax: (029) 2038 4764 E-mail: Website: ISBN: 978-1-906528-34-8 © (2011) Care Council for Wales All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Care Council for Wales. Enquiries for reproduction outside the scope expressly permitted by law should be sent to the Chief Executive of the Care Council for Wales at the address given above.
Employee Rights and Responsibilities Workbook for Children’s Care, Learning and Development
Introducing the Employee Rights and Responsibilities Workbook for Children’s Care, Learning and Development Learning Outcome 1: Laws that protect you at work 1. Workplace Regulations 1.2 Laws that protect you and people who use the services you work 1.3 Employment Conditions 1.4 Equal and Fair Treatment Regulations 1.5 Working with Children Learning Outcome 2: Procedures and Documentation – Putting the law into action 2. Information About Your Job Learning Outcome 3: Getting Information and Advice About your Rights and Responsibilities Learning Outcome 4: Understanding your Job Role and Occupation Learning Outcome 5: Careers in Children’s Care Learning and Development 5.1 Career Structures Learning Outcome 6: Organisations that Represent the Early Years Care and Education Sector Learning Outcome 7: The Sector’s Principles and Codes of Practice Learning Outcome 8: Issues of Public Concern and how they affect Early Years Organisations CCLD: Employment Rights and Responsibilities – Evidence Record Form List of useful contacts The Integrated Children’s Centres All-Wales Network 4 5 6 9 11 14 18 21 22 37
44 49 49 54 58 63 64 65 67
Employee Rights and