Buffy Oldaker
Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients
Will mandatory drug testing for those receiving public assistance save taxpayers money? Taxpayers with jobs are subject to drug testing when obtaining employment and random drug tests while employed. Taxpayers are subject to drug testing, while those that receive public assistance are allowed to collect money and benefits without having to be tested for drug abuse. Should we allow those receiving public assistance/welfare aid benefits to collect money and benefits that allow them to further their drug habits? Is drug testing for welfare recipients constitutional and fair? The cost effectiveness and the fairness of mandatory drug testing for those receiving public assistance needs to be reviewed because we need to be diligent with tax payer money, and we need to keep everyone’s constitutional rights intact as well.
Exploring the cost of mandatory drug testing in the 12 states that already require drug testing for public assistance recipients, within the federal guidelines, will assist in understanding the true costs of the testing. States requiring drug testing are Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah. (Laine, 2015) The Federal government allows for narrow drug testing. Federal law prohibits those that have been convicted of drug-related felonies from receiving welfare benefits. States can opt out of the ban. Maine has opted out of the ban, and requires those convicted of drug related felonies to be tested. Applicants who fail the drug test can choose to enroll into a substance abuse program to avoid losing benefits. Drug tests will cost $62 each in Maine. Maine’s tax payer dollars pay for the drug testing and substance abuse programs. Zach Heiden, legal director for the ACLU of Maine states that, “This is a waste of state resources
References: Laine, S. "Drug testing for welfare recipients: Wisconsin poised to join other states." Christian Science Monitor. 2015, January 23: n/a. Durkin, A. (2015, January 13). “LePage gets OK to drug test some welfare applicants.” Portland Herald Press. Retrieved January 15, 2015, from http://www.pressherald.com/2015/01/13/lepage-gets-ok-to-drug-test-welfare-applicants/ Rodgers, J. "El Paso County DHS to require drug testing, rehab for some clients to continue benefits. “McClatchy - Tribune Business News. 2015, January 24 Player, T, C. (2014, January 01). Public Assistance, Drug Testing, and the Law: The Limits of Population Based Legal Analysis. American Journal of Law and Medicine, (1), 26, retrieved from http://elibrary.bigchalk.com.ezp-02.lirn.net PART II ENG101 has taught me the importance of using references and how using the proper writing guidelines can improve someone’s writings. Using references establishes that the thoughts and information that you are providing is accurate and true. When using the proper writing guidelines it helps one put their thoughts into proper order and make sense of what is being said. Using the guidelines also assists in making the writing process not so daunting, by breaking it up into smaller pieces. My writing goals for my next writing course would be to improve on the skills that I have gained while taking this course. I will use more references and the writing guidelines to make my writing the best it can be and not such a daunting task. I need to improve on using better grammar and spelling. I forget where to use commas a lot of the time. Overall, I feel that I did well in this course and learned some valuable tools to take with me to assist in other courses that I will take, as well as my working environment.