
English-Indian Relations: Relationship Between Native Americans And The English

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English-Indian Relations: Relationship Between Native Americans And The English
English-Indian Relations

The relationship between the Native Americans and the English can in no sense be referred to as a “friendship”. From the first interactions between the two peoples, tensions were high. The English Puritans pushed to convert the Natives, and land hungry colonists moved further onto their territory. The Native Americans retaliated but could not hold their ground in the end. The aftermath of all of this could be called a sense of tolerance between the Native Americans and the English.

When the first English colonist came to America, their presence hit the Native Americans hard. Because the Native Americans were not used to English diseases. they contracted deadly strands shortly after interactions with the settlers. These diseases killed off tribes worth of the Native Americans, leaving the people devastated. The Puritans also pushed to convert the Native’s to their religion “laying a surer foundation of the conversion of the Indians to Christian religion, each town, city, borough, and particularly plantation to obtain unto themselves, by just means, a certain number of the native’s children” (Proceeding of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1619) in order to educate them in proper educate and religious values.
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This lead to high tensions and even full scale massacres, such as the one that occurred on March 22nd of 1622 in Virginia where innocent Indians were brutally murdered (Report of Edward Waterhouse). The Anglo-Powhatan War that began between the Powhatan tribe and the Virginian colonists in 1614, left the Northern American Indians mostly defeated. Later, lead by Chief Metacom, the Indians formed a intertribal unity and mounted a series of coordinated attacks against the colonies. Metacom himself was beheaded, and King Philip’s War inflicted a lasting defeat on New England’s

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