Title: Mono on campus
Name: Ryan Clark
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience what mononucleosis really is, how it spreads, and how to prevent it.
Time: 6 minutes
I. Introduction
A. How many of you have had a sore throat or runny nose since school started?
B. Well if you raised your hand, you could be dealing with something far more worse than allergies or the common cold.
C. I have had mono before in high school and I have just recently recovered from being ill for several weeks.
D. Yes, many people have heard about mono, however, most do not know what it really is or what causes it.
1. I have thoroughly researched what causes mono and how it spreads, especially around a college campus.
2. Hopefully by the end of this speech, you will have a better knowledge of what mono is, and walk away with a few tips on how to prevent it.
Transition: To get things started, we need to all have the same understanding as to what mononucleosis is.
II. Body
A. Mononucleosis is more than just a severe cold. 1. Mononucleosis, or "the kissing disease," is a common infection usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). People who have been infected with EBV will carry it for the rest of their lives, even if they never have recognizable mono (Dove, 2006).
a. Because people carry EBV their whole life, it can periodically appear in the saliva, and randomly infect someone else (Dove, 2006).
b. 95% of the population gets mono before they turn 40 (Burrell, 2012).
2. Symptoms of mono include fever, prolonged fatigue, spleen enlargement and fragility, and risk for spleen rupture (MacKnight, 2002).
a. One of the worst things to do when you have mono is play contact sports.
b. When I had mono in high school, I was very weak and stayed in bed for a few days.
c. Mono will go away on its own in about 4 weeks, but the fatigue can last for months (Dove, 2006).
Transition: Now with that
Bibliography: Burrell, Jackie. (2012). About.com. Retrieved 01/10/2012 from http://youngadults.about.com/od/healthandsafety/qt/mononucleosis.htm Dove, Laurie L.. "How to Prevent Throat Infections" 21 November 2006. HowStuffWorks.com. 02 October 2012. MacKnight, John, M. (2002). Infectious Mononucleosis. Retrieved from ERIC. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/recordDetails.jsp?searchtype=keyword&pageSize=10&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=mononucleosis&eric_displayStartCount=1&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=kw&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&objectId=0900019b801532d4&accno=EJ644087&_nfls=false