Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about their health. It is not a secret that the proper nutrition is one of the major conditions of a good health. This is why restaurants where the vast majority of the population has meals regularly should provide their customers with a really safe food.
Nevertheless, there are restaurants which are really dirty and, therefore, do not guarantee the safety of food. In such a situation, a citizen task force should make such restaurants as well as all other to solve this problem. In this respect, a mandatory food safety training requirement for all restaurants employees seems to be the most effective way of the solution of the problem.
First of all, it should be said that the alternative solutions, such as a stronger enforcement program by the local health department seems to be ineffective in a long run since this program rather implies the implementation of some restrictive measures and thorough control from the part of the health department. This measure is not very effective because it is practically impossible to control permanently and absolutely all restaurants, which, in all probability, can find the ways to overcome restrictions.
As for the mandatory safety training requirement for all restaurants employees it is much more effective because this measure makes employees more conscious of their work and consequences of the violation of the existing norms in relation to food safety. What is more, this program involves absolutely all employees from a waiter to a chief. This is why all employees will be equally prepared to work in restaurants.
At the same time it is important to underline that this program should include the profound training of employees on food safety, including safe storage, preparation of food, knowing the meaning of labeling terms used in food, basic principles of hygiene . On learning this information, employees should practice their knowledge and practice that