Enzyme catalysis
Farah Mohamed galal
E + S → ES → E + P
Enzymes are proteins which act as a catalyst in biochemical reactions(affect the rate of achemical reaction). The substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme. Any deformation of the active site will affect the activity of the enzyme, these are some ways that enzyme action may be affected because of them:
1- Salt concentration: If it is close to zero or very high the enzyme will precipitate . 2- PH: Neutral range is found to be the best for most enzymes, they can be denatured by higher or lower levels. 3- Temperature: Chemical reactions can speed up by raising the temperature although there is an optimum temperature of enzyme catalyzed reactions . 4- Activators: Increase rate of the reaction. 5- Inhibitors: Decrease rate of the reaction.
Enzyme catalysis ( it is an experiment to calculate the rate of the reaction and how much substrate disappears over time in an enzymatic reation.)
The hypothesis:
If the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase is observed , the amount of oxygen generated can be measured and the rate of the enzyme catalyzed reaction can be calculated.
The primary reaction catalyzed by catalase is the decomposition of H2O2 to form water and oxygen.
2H2O2 → 2H2O+O2(gas)
Catalase + Hydrogen Peroxide --> Complex --> Catalase + Water + Oxygen
The materials: * 1.5% H2O2 , H2SO4 , at least 400 ml of catalase and 2% KMNO4. * Distilled water * Pipette (for adding water) * At least 4 syringes to avoid contamination * At least 8 beakers to perform titrations (for the reaction mixture, the chemicals and distilled water)
General Procedure In this experiment the disappearance of the substrate,