Benjamin J. Mora Coronado
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley at Edinburgh
Purpose for the experiments was to test the enzymes in various scenarios and see how changing this would affect the rate of reaction. The enzyme source used in the experiments was Turnip Extract. Concentrations of Turnip extract for activity 1 where o.5ml, 1.0ml, and 2.0 ml as for the rest of the activities 2 Through 4 stayed at a consistent concentration of 1.0 ml. Substrate used in the experiment was Hydrogen Peroxide. Concentrations varied between experiments, on Activity 1 and 3&4 it concentration stayed consistent at .2 ml while on activity 2 the concentration was gradually increased starting at .1ml to .2ml and finally to .4ml. Guaicol is used in the reaction as in its oxidized form it takes a brown color which in the concentration it can be measured by the spectrophotometer [cite pre lab]. The Temperature was changed 4 times in Activity 3 as we used a water bath at 60 C, a body …show more content…
There is a plethora of enzymes and this is because enzymes are very specific to which material they bind which is the substrate. The substrate will bind to the enzyme in a specific site on the enzyme called the activation site in which the substrate attached then forming a enzyme-substrate complex at this stage the substrate is converted into a product to then detach from the enzyme. After undergoing this process the enzyme will pick up another substrate to form another product as the enzyme itself does not undergo any changes and therefore can keep on binding to more substrates to make products. Enzymes are helpful as they can help reach a desired reaction much faster by adding more enzymes to a solution the substrates will have a significant higher chance of running across this enzyme and making products.