Delores Duncan
ECE 315
Jessica Rodriguez
Erik Erikson agrees with Sigmund Freud that people development through stages. Erik Erikson expand the theory of Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development to add stages that goes through adulthood, but Erik Erikson call his theory psychosocial development in which he believes that people develop through social and emotional relationships through the life stages. Erik Erikson name his stage after life crisis’s that might happen in a person’s life instead of naming the stages after body parts. Psychosocial Development means that people develop through life stages in the way they interact with each other. Spenser A. Rathus (2011), the author of CDEV, 1st Edition, admitted that psychosocial development means that “Erikson theory, with emphasizes the importance of social relationships and conscious choice throughout the eight stages of development” (page 6). There are eight stages of psychosocial development in Erik Erikson’s theory, and the eight stages are Trust vs. mistrust (birth to 18 months), Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (Early childhood 2 to 3 years), initiative vs. guilt (preschool 3 to 5 years), identity vs. role confusion (adolescence 12 to 18 years old), intimacy vs. isolation (young adulthood 19 to 40 years), generativity vs. stagnation (Middle adulthood 40 to 65 years old), and Ego integrity vs. despair (maturity 65 to death). The eight stages of psychosocial development have some conflicts call life crisis. Erik Erikson believes that people have inner conflict call identity crisis that might happen during the eight stages of psychosocial development. Anonymous (2001) the author of Erik Erikson: The search for self-identity, admitted that “Erikson developed the view that each person experiences a set of “conflicts” that need to resolved during each of eight stages of development, the first three stages spanning early childhood” (5(6)