Consumer Behaviour Course Packet
Nov-Dec 2012
Dr. S. Bharadhwaj
Consumer Behaviour
A very Warm Welcome to Consumer Behaviour!! The instructor’s contact details are as follows:
Dr. S. Bharadhwaj, Professor (Marketing)
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
Ph: 30809210, 96000 83102
The objectives of this course include the following:
• To obtain a knowledge of some basics in Consumer Behaviour. • To get an understanding of what goes in consumers’ heads and hearts before they take a decision. • To get an understanding of how consumers choose products and brands. • To appreciate the importance of managers’ knowing consumers well and that, in several instances consumer behaviour is the foundation for marketing strategy. • To appreciate the fact that Marketing Managers deal with human consumers who are not always “rational”.
Break-up of Grade
The weightage for your end-of-semester grade is allocated as follows:
|Item |Weightage (%) |
|Class Participation |10 |
|Group Assignment |15 |
|Project |15 |
|Individual Assignments (5 in all) |60 |
Prescribed Textbook
Consumer Behavior (Pearson Education), by Leon Schiffman, Lezlie Kanuk and Ramesh Kumar
Schedule of Course:
Given below is a detailed class-wise, topic-wise schedule of the course.
|Class |Date (dd/mm) |Topic/Agenda |Corresponding Chapter in Book |
|No | | | |