Divorce puts an unbelievable strain on families and can severely impact the lives of the children involved. Divorce disrupts the lives of children and forces them to face the challenge of residing in two separate households, never being with both parents at the same time, or depending upon the custody agreement, never seeing one parent at all. Substantial research even shows that children raised in single parent homes struggle more in every aspect of their life then children who are from intact, two-parent households. Divorce affects children in numerous ways. Many children of divorce have academic difficulties, future psychological problems such as depression or anxiety, social competence problems, and even long term health concerns. Divorce causes many children to have a much higher risk of low socioeconomic status attainment and an obvious increased chance of having marital issues and divorce in their adult lives. Therefore, it is clear that divorce has a very high risk of permanently affecting the lives of the children involved. With such a high divorce rate, there are an extremely high number of children whose lives are negatively changed. The amount of families that fall apart because of divorce is so high that it is no wonder people believe it is causing a collapse of the once sacred and sound institution of family (Newman & Grauerholz, 2002).
In order to help solve the problems that divorce causes,